FAQ Search
List all FAQ: EvilLyrics
 How do I get the lyrics?1.46 (403)
 Terms1.23 (123)
 How do I start downloading lyrics?1.59 (161)
 How does it determine where to look for lyrics?1.81 (364)
 Why does it try to get lyrics from site XXX? Site YYY has larger database.1.66 (172)
 EvilLyrics returns some garbage instead of lyrics, what should I do?1.32 (383)
 What is the lyrics cache?0.08 (1265)
 How do I submit new lyrics to lyrics databases?1.91 (1317)
 May i use different than standard title formatting?0.7 (37)
 What is type-ahead?0.8 (40)
 How can i post current lyrics to my web page?1.83 (1220)
 How can I download lyrics for whole album?1.31 (52)
 Can I search for chords instead of lyrics?1.04 (49)
 How can i lock my lyrics?1.02 (42)
 How can i find lyrics if i only remember words?1.42 (55)
 How can i post my lyrics to myLyrics?2 (250)
 Which players EvilLyrics support?1.53 (156)
 Winamp 2 and 52.55 (2098)
 Windows Media Player 92.14 (1649)
 MusicMatch2.17 (364)
 Foobar1.12 (1036)
 Quintessential Player (QCD)1.61 (148)
 iTunes1.75 (700)
 RealPlayer/Realone2.36 (411)
 I?m running 2 players, why only player X is detected?1.75 (260)
 musikCube0.63 (35)
 What is karaoke in EvilLyrics?0.01 (147)
 How do I create my own karaoke?2.16 (671)
 How do I play karaoke?1.35 (104)
 I downloaded .kas file but isn?t synchronized with my lyrics. What do I do?1.16 (83)
 I created .kas file. Why doesn?t it appear at Evil Laboratories website?1.18 (65)
 Why doesn't it get karaoke files automatically?1.57 (67)
 I don?t see point. Highlighting song lyrics lines?1.3 (54)
 Why should I create karaoke files?1.25 (55)
 What is the format of karoke files?1.12 (58)
 How do I edit my .kas files?0.18 (17)
 Can I adjust karaoke?1.71 (246)
 Karaoke file format (.kas)1 (52)
 What is karaoke index?1.28 (95)
 What is Direct karaoke download?1.22 (58)
 Time in Winamp and EvilLyrics is not synchronized0.56 (27)
 How do I use Next button?1.01 (172)
 Why does "Try next" say "Try reload first" ?0.47 (32)
 What's the meaning of icons in toolbar?1.51 (137)
 What is the meaning of icons in EvilLyrics status bar?1.53 (147)
 Filter out numbers0.32 (28)
 Tray mode0.5 (30)
 Always on top0.31 (29)
 Clear cache0.22 (27)
 Ignored keywords0.29 (28)
 "General" tab1.25 (56)
 "Cache" tab0.73 (40)
 "Karaoke" tab1.55 (117)
 Are there any other settings?0.58 (36)
Lyrics Organizer16
 What is ELLO?1.3 (63)
 How do I install ELLO?0.96 (47)
 What does the icons in front of the songs' names mean?0.38 (26)
 What is the + Redown button?0.25 (24)
 What are the Lists all about?0.25 (24)
 So, how do I use the Lists?0 (21)
 Why joining lyrics?0.09 (23)
 What is the difference between the "Browser" and the "Visit Site" button?0.32 (25)
 How do I edit my lyrics?0.28 (25)
 How can I search for an artist or a song?0.38 (29)
 How do I edit my .kas files?1.66 (206)
 How does the search work?0.14 (22)
 Can I update the list of songs without closing and re-opening the application?0.25 (24)
 How to find out if karaoke is available?0 (22)
 What is all that info in the top left?0.22 (23)
 Options window0.86 (36)
 Failed to load control 'Winsock' from mswinsck.ocx error1.29 (45)
 I can? get it working at all, it keeps displaying an error0.42 (45)
 EvilLyrics shows error XXX when downloading song YYY.1.14 (146)
 Why does it try to get lyrics from site XXX? Site YYY has larger database.0 (17)
 EvilLyrics returns some garbage instead of lyrics, what should I do?0 (16)
 It doesn't find any lyrics. I always get "Lyrics not found"0.09 (914)
Other features6
 It looks ugly, I want to have it skinned to fit with my Winamp0.97 (39)
 Why is it standalone application and not a plugin?1.83 (200)
 What is the drag&drop feature?1.47 (105)
 ?Lyrics? keyword1.53 (110)
 Transparency0.83 (36)
 Shortcuts in EvilLyrics0.44 (27)
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