
Karaoke for Helloween - Salvation

Helloween - Salvation (05:42)
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Helloween - Forever and One (03:55)
Helloween - Forever And One (03:51)
Helloween - Future World (04:01)
Helloween - future world (04:02)
Helloween - Future World (04:01)
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Helloween - Helloween Windmill (05:15)
Helloween - Hey Lord (04:06)
Helloween - Hey Lord (04:09)
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Helloween - How Many Tears (09:59)
Helloween - I Want Out (04:41)
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Helloween - If I Could Fly (04:08)
Helloween - If I Could Fly (04:08)
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Helloween - In The Middle Of A Heartbeat (04:30)
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Helloween - Longing (04:09)
Helloween - Mankind (06:19)
Helloween - March Of Time (05:15)
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Helloween - Mr. Torture (03:24)
Helloween - Mr. Torture (03:29)
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Helloween - Salvation (05:42)
Helloween - Salvation (05:42)
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Helloween - The Invisible Man (07:17)
HELLOWEEN - Twilight of the Gods (04:25)
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Helloween - You Always Walk Alone (05:10)
Helloween - Your turn (05:30)

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