
Karaoke for Uriah Heep - The magicians birthday

Uriah Heep - The magicians birthday (10:20)
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other by the same artist (click icon to import directly)
ùìéùééú.îä.÷ùåø. - .úúðå.ìå.öàðñ ÷ìéô îòøåõ 24 (04:15)
U2 - 04 Electrical Storm (04:40)
Udo Jürgens - 17. Vielen Dank für die Blumen (03:03)
UCNX - 21st Century Head Like A Whore Mix (05:33)
Udo Jürgens - 4. Ein ehrenwertes Haus (03:30)
U2 - 40 (02:37)
Uncommonmenfrommars - 78 (02:35)
used - A Box Full of Sharp Objects (02:54)
The Used - A Box Full of Sharp Objects (02:56)
underoath - a boy brushed red living in black and white (04:26)
U2 - A Day Without Me (03:13)
Ultravox - A Friend I Call Desire (05:12)
U2 - A Man And a Woman (04:27)
U2 - A Man And Woman (04:30)
Underoath - A Moment Suspended In Time (03:59)
U2 - A Sort Of Homecoming (05:28)
ùééâòö - àáà òåøê ãéï (03:30)
Unknown - ABBA Does Your Mother Know (03:15)
Udo Jürgens - Aber bitte mit Sahne BC (03:43)
Ultravox - Accent On Youth (04:44)
U2 - Achtung Baby 1991 01.Zoo Station (04:33)
U2 - Achtung Baby 1991 02.Even Better Than The Real Thing (03:39)
U2 - Achtung Baby 1991 03 (04:33)
U2 - Achtung Baby 1991 04.Until The End Of The World (04:35)
U2 - Achtung Baby 1991 05.Whos Gonna Ride Your Wild Horses (05:14)
U2 - Achtung Baby 1991 06.So Cruel (05:46)
U2 - Achtung Baby 1991 07.The Fly (04:26)
U2 - Achtung Baby 1991 08.Mysterious Ways (04:01)
U2 - Achtung Baby 1991 09.Tryin To Throw Your Arms Around The W (03:50)
U2 - Achtung Baby 1991 10.Ultra Violet Light My Way (05:27)
U2 - Achtung Baby 1991 11.Acrobat (04:27)
U2 - Achtung Baby 1991 12.Love Is Blindness (04:20)
U2 - Acrobat (04:30)
The Union Underground - Across The Nation (03:02)
ùåèé äðáåàä - àéï àðé (03:55)
ùìîä åáï àøöé - áï 17 (04:00)
ùìåîé ùáú - àîà (04:29)
Unique 2 - Aint Nothin Gonna Break My Stride (03:21)
Unic - Ainul Mardhiah (04:15)
Unic - Ainul Mardhiah (04:15)
ùìåí çðåê - àìä (02:04)
Ulf Lundell - Aldrig nånsin din clown (03:22)
U2 - All Because Of You (03:34)
U2 - All Because of You (03:36)
U2 - All Because Of You (03:38)
U2 - All Because Of You (03:37)
U2 - All I Want Is You (09:52)
U2 - All I Want is You (06:29)
U2 - All I Want Is You (07:28)
Unknown - All Shook Up Karaoke (01:55)
the used - all that ive got (04:18)
The Used - All That Ive Got (04:00)
The Used - All That Ive Got (03:59)
The Used - All That Ive Got (03:59)
U2 - All That You Cant Leave Behind 02 Stuck In A Moment You Ca (04:29)
U2 - All That You Cant Leave Behind 2000 01.Beautiful Day (04:05)
U2 - All That You Cant Leave Behind 2000 02.Stuck in a Moment Y (04:29)
U2 - All That You Cant Leave Behind 2000 03.Elevation (03:44)
U2 - All That You Cant Leave Behind 2000 04.Walk On (04:53)
U2 - All That You Cant Leave Behind 2000 05 (04:23)
U2 - All That You Cant Leave Behind 2000 06.In a Little While (03:36)
U2 - All That You Cant Leave Behind 2000 07.Wild Honey (03:43)
U2 - All That You Cant Leave Behind 2000 08.Peace on Earth (04:45)
U2 - All That You Cant Leave Behind 2000 09.When I Look at the (04:14)
U2 - All That You Cant Leave Behind 2000 10.New York (05:27)
U2 - All That You Cant Leave Behind 2000 11.Grace (05:27)
Unknown - Almost Home Karaoke (04:45)
UFO - Alone Again Or (03:00)
The Used - Alone This Holiday (02:54)
Urbanus - Als Ik Doodga (03:47)
U2 - Always (03:47)
Unknown - Amarillo By Morning Karaoke (02:48)
Ungu - Andai Ku Tahu (04:46)
Ungu - Andai Ku Tahu (04:40)
Unwritten Law - Angel (02:17)
Underoath - Angel Below (03:22)
U2 - Angel of Harlem (03:49)
U2 - Angel Of Harlem (03:50)
U2 - Angel Of Harlem (04:39)
Uniklubi - Anteeksi (04:48)
Uniklubi - Anteeksi (04:48)
Unbekannter Interpret - Around The World (03:50)
Unheilig - Astronaut (04:19)
Useless ID - at the stadium (01:15)
ùø àì åäöì - àú àåúé ùåôèú (03:27)
UNKLE - Awake The Unkind (04:35)
ùøéú çãã - áåùí öøôúé (03:06)
ùìåí çðåê - àåø éùøàìé (04:46)
ùìîä àøöé - àäáúéä (04:02)
ùéøé îéîåï - àäáä ÷èðä (03:30)
ùéøé îéîåï - àäáä ÷èðä www.Donkey.co.il Non Stop Music (03:44)
U2 - Baby Please Come Home (02:20)
U2 - Babyface (04:01)
Udo - Back Against The Wall (04:07)
udo - back against the wall (04:07)
U2 - Bad (05:51)
U2 - Bad (05:47)
U2 - Bad (08:03)
U2 - Bad (05:50)
Undercover - Baker Street (05:12)
Urbanus - Bakske vol met stro (04:06)
Urbanus - Bakske Vol Met Stro (04:10)
Urbanus - Bakske vol met stro (04:06)
Umberto Balsamo - Balla (03:09)
Ulfuls - Banzai (04:28)
Ugly Girl Aqua - Barbie Girl (02:28)
U2 - Beautiful Day (04:08)
U2 - Beautiful Day (04:08)
U2 - Beautiful Day (04:08)
U2 - Beautiful day (04:03)
U2 ¦X°Û¹Î - Beautiful Day (04:07)
Unknown - Because I love you Skakin Steven (03:15)
UFO - Belladonna (04:29)
US3 - Best of Acid Jazz (03:39)
Uncle Cracker - Better Days (04:50)
Unbekannt - Bi Ba Bumse Biene (01:11)
Unique - Bízz meg bennem (04:46)
Urban Species - Blanket (05:42)
Unearth - Bled Dry (03:58)
Uriah Heep - Blind Eye (03:33)
U2 - Bloody Sunday (04:42)
Utada Hikaru - Blow My Whistle (04:06)
The Used - Blue And Yellow (03:21)
Udo Lindenberg - Bodo Ballermann (03:14)
Unknown Artist - BORA Fundamental Love (02:19)
Underworld - Born Slippy (03:44)
UFO - Born to Lose (03:32)
Unregistered version - Boulay I . Parle moi (03:56)
The Used - Box Full Of Sharp Objects (02:55)
U2 - Boy 1980 01.I Will Follow (03:36)
U2 - Boy 1980 02.Twilight (04:19)
U2 - Boy 1980 04.Out of Control (04:11)
U2 - Boy 1980 05.Stories for Boys (02:59)
U2 - Boy 1980 06.The Ocean (01:32)
U2 - Boy 1980 07.A Day Without Me (03:10)
U2 - Boy 1980 08.Another Time Another Place (04:30)
U2 - Boy 1980 09.The Electric Co. (04:45)
U2 - Boy 1980 10.Shadows and Tall Trees (04:31)
Unique II - Break My Stride (03:17)
Unified Theory - Breathe (03:04)
Ure Midge - Breathe (04:05)
Useless ID - Bring Me Down (01:57)
Unloco - Bruises (02:36)
unloco - bruises (02:31)
The Used - bulimic (03:19)
U2 - Bullet the Blue Sky (04:32)
The Used - Buried Myself Alive (04:02)
Usher - Burn (04:06)
Usher - Burn (04:18)
Usher - Burn (04:16)

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