
Karaoke for The Shins - Girl On the Wing

The Shins - Girl On the Wing (02:50)
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other by the same artist (click icon to import directly)
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The Shins - Fighting In a Sack (02:26)
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The Shins - Girl On the Wing (02:50)
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The Shins - Kissing the Lipless (03:19)
The Shins - Kissing The Lipless (03:18)
The Shins - Know Your Onion (02:29)
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The Shins - New slang (03:51)
The Shins - New Slang (03:53)
The Shins - New Slang (03:48)
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The Shins - Phantom Limb (04:48)
The Shins - Pink Bullets (03:53)
The Shins - Saint Simon (04:22)
The Shins - Sleeping Lessons (03:57)
The Shins - So Says I (02:47)
The Shins - So Says I (02:49)
The Shins - The Past and Pending (05:22)
The Shins - The Past and Pending (05:22)
The Shins - Weird Divide (01:57)
The Shins - Young Pilgrams (02:49)
The Shins - Young Pilgrims (02:47)

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