
Karaoke for The Specials - Too much too young

The Specials - Too much too young (01:50)
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other by the same artist (click icon to import directly)
The Specials - A Message To You Rudy (02:52)
The Specials - Blank Expression (02:43)
Special D. - Come with me (03:51)
Special D - Come with me (03:11)
Special D. - Come with me (03:52)
Special D - Come with me (03:11)
The Specials - Concrete Jungle (03:22)
The Specials - Dawning Of A New Era (02:26)
The Specials - Do The Dog (02:11)
The Specials - Doesnt Make It Alright (03:25)
The Specials - Enjoy Yourself (03:36)
The Specials - Gangsters (02:47)
The Specials - Ghost Town (05:51)
Special - Hold On Loosely (04:39)
The Specials - Its Up To You (03:25)
The Special Goodness - Life Goes by (02:46)
The Specials - Little Bitch (02:33)
The Specials - Little Bitch (02:33)
The Specials - Monkey Man (02:45)
the special goodness - N.F.A. (04:32)
The Specials - Nite Klub (03:23)
Special - Special Changed By Love (04:51)
The Specials - Stupid Marriage (03:50)
The Specials - Too Hot (03:12)
The Specials - Too much too young (01:50)
The Specials - Youre Wondering Now (02:38)

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