< 161|online //lowercase |
< 162|offline //lowercase |
< 163|Do you want to work in offline mode? |
< 164|unknown //as Lyrics source: unknown ... when we don't know which url lyrics came from |
< 165|To re-enable hidden buttons click "Reset" on the next dialog/nYou can also set toolbar to wrap in Preferences dialog |
< 166|Karaoke adjusted by %1 seconds //followed by number of seconds |
< 167|searching for "%1" (press Edit button to edit lyrics) //displayed in statusbar while using type-ahead ... |
< 168|Could not find "%1". Press ESC to start again |
< 169|Retype your search // displays after you pressed esc ... you are actually being asked to type your query again |
< 170|You are now in karaoke saving mode. Start the song, synchronize time here and in your player. Move down line by line using DOWN arrow, delete previous timestamp using UP arrow. Let song play until it finishes, you will be asked to save karaoke. Then replay the song and it gets posted to our server. Click here to read more. |
< 171|Checking for new filters ... |
< 172|Fetching new filters ... |
< 173|New version of EvilLyrics is available. Would you like to go to www.evillabs.sk to get the new version? |
< 174|Start your media player or type artist and song name into the box above |
< 175|Karaoke index is %1 days old. Update it in preferences |
< 176|detecting //displayed as tooltip over player icon ... saying like "detecting Winamp" |
< 177|Manual mode - no known player detected |
< 178|Karaoke available - click to get it! |
< 179|Karaoke unavailable |
< 180|Enter words to search for (separated by spaces) |
< 181|Double click to search for lyrics |
< 182|displaying first 50 results |
< 183|No songs found, try different set of keywords |
< 184|Wrong ID3 tags, not posted |
< 185|You are not allowed to post karaoke manually yet. Replay created karaoke and it will be posted automatically. |
< 186|Unable to post karaoke, try to replay again. |
< 187|Karaoke you created is not meeting our criteria. Try to create new one |
< 188|You manually changed title./nDo you want to save these lyrics under original name (%1)?/nIf you do so, next time you play the song, these lyrics will be displayed |
< 189|Karaoke was shifted during replay. Would you like save the changes? |
< 190|Karaoke was adjusted. It will be posted next time you replay it |
< 191|Detected %1 timestamps in song %2 within %3/nIf time doesn't match the one shown in your player, read instructions and record your karaoke again/nSave recorded karaoke now? //like detected 22 timestamps in song Britney Spears - Lucky within 3:40 |
< 192|Karaoke file saved. Replay the song, if karaoke is saved properly it will be posted to the server. |
< 193|Just downloaded //Meaning lyrics were downloaded "in this moment" |
< 194|downloading ... |
< 195|Lyrics not found |
< 196|No lyrics. Switch to Online mode to get them |
< 197|No filter used |
< 198|using keyword //lowercase .. meaning "using keyword keyword" ... like "using keyword songtexten" |
< 199|%1 songs waiting in queue //during mass downloading |
< 200|Your lyrics were saved in the file "lyrics.txt" in your EvilLyrics directory. Would you like to open then in Notepad now? |
< 201|No lyrics found in lyrics databases, displaying related page |
< 202|karaoke NOT uploaded yet - let it play until the end |
< 203|karaoke by %1 //karaoke by JohnDoe |
< 204|Wrong lyrics? Try next match using the 'Next' button ... |
< 205|Karaoke for this song available! |
< 206|Press "mouth" icon to get karaoke |
< 207|Posting options not filled properly //displayed while posting lyrics to a webpage (error) |
< 208|posting ... //displayed while posting lyrics to a webpage |
< 209|parsing ... //displayed while parsing (cleaning) downloaded lyrics |
< 210|Lyrics to your song cannot be found. Read some tips on how to improve your lyrics search |
< 211|From cache - downloaded on %1 //followed by date and time |
< 212|[%1] saving: %2 [%3 positions saved] //like [00:58] saving: Lucky [8 positions saved] ... ie %1=time, %2=song name, %3=number of timestamps saved |
< 213|Done //or Finished or whatever ... something has finished |
< 214|Not found |
< 215|Select the site and press Enter //on submit lyrics dialog ... bellow it is the list of sites |
< 216|No karaoke to delete |
< 217|Nothing to post or already posted // can rephrase like "karaoke doesn't exist or it was already submitted" |
< 218|Could not resolve artist name, fix your ID3 tags //while searching for poster .. we need to get artist name ... if mp3 is not tagged properly we can't get it |
< 219|Enter couple of words from the song lyrics (divided by spaces) //fulltext song search |
< 220|You are importing timestamp file for currently running:/n%1/nCheck if your mp3 length is aproximately %2 // like you importing timestamp file for britney spears, check if length is approximately 3:22 |
> 161|�evrimi�i //lowercase |
> 162|�evrimd��� //lowercase |
> 163|�evrimd��� mod'da �al��mak ister misiniz? |
> 164|bilinmiyor //as Lyrics source: unknown ... when we don't know which url lyrics came from |
> 165|Gizli tu�lar� tekrar g�r�n�r yapmak i�in bir sonraki ekranda "reset" tu�unu t�klay�n�z/nAyn� zamanda g�rev �ubu�unu "se�enekler" penceresini kullanarak da de�i�tirebilirsiniz |
> 166|Karaoke %1 saniyelik ayarland� //followed by number of seconds |
> 167|aranan "%1" (S�zleri d�zenlemek i�in "d�zenleme" tu�una bas�n�z) //displayed in statusbar while using type-ahead ... |
> 168|"%1" bulunamad�. tekrar ba�latmak i�in ESC'ye bas�n�z |
> 169|Araman�z� tekrar yaz�n�z // displays after you pressed esc ... you are actually being asked to type your query again |
> 170|�u anda karaoke kay�t modundas�n�z. �ark�y� ba�lat�n, zaman� buradan ve oynat�c�n�zdan ayn� hale getirin. Klavyedeki A�A�I okunu kullanarak sat�rlar� a�a��ya indirin, �nceki zaman izini silmek i�in YUKARI okunu kullan�n. �ark� bitene kadar bekleyin, karaokeyi kaydetme iste�iniz sorulacak. sonra �ark�y� tekrar �al�n, karaoke, server'�m�za postalanacakt�r. Daha fazla bilgi almak i�in buray� t�klayabilirsiniz. |
> 171|Yeni filtreler kontrol ediliyor ... |
> 172|Yeni filtreler getiriliyor ... |
> 173|EvilLyrics'in yeni versiyonu mevcut! Yeni versiyonu indirmek i�in www.evillabs.sk 'a gidilsin ister misiniz? |
> 174|Oynat�c�n�z� ba�lat�n ya da yukar�daki kutuya sanat�� ve �ark� ismini yaz�n |
> 175|Karaoke indeksi %1 g�n eski. "�zellikler"den g�ncelleyebilirsiniz |
> 176|ara�t�r�l�yor //displayed as tooltip over player icon ... saying like "detecting Winamp" |
> 177|Manual mod - no known player detected |
> 178|Karaoke bulundu - getirmek i�in buray� t�klay�n! |
> 179|Karaoke bulunamad� |
> 180|arama i�in kelime girin (bo�luklarla ay�rarak) |
> 181|S�zleri aramak i�in �ift t�klay�n |
> 182|ilk 50 sonu� g�r�nt�leniyor |
> 183|Hi� �ark� bulunamad�, de�i�ik anahtar kelimeler kullanmay� deneyin |
> 184|Yanl�� ID3 etiketi, g�nderilmedi |
> 185|Olu�turdu�unuz karaokeyi g�ndermenize hen�z izin verilmedi. Olu�turdu�unuz karaokeyi tekrar �al�n, karaoke otomatik olarak g�nderilecektir. |
> 186|karaoke g�nderilemedi, tekrar �almay� deneyin. |
> 187|Olu�turdu�unuz karaoke bizim kriterlerimizle uyu�muyor. Yeni bir tane olu�turun. |
> 188|�ark� ba�l���n� de�i�tirdiniz./nBu s�zleri orijinal ad� alt�nda kaydetmek ister misiniz (%1)?/nE�er bunu yaparsan�z, �ark�y� bir sonraki �al���n�zda, bu s�zler g�r�nt�lenecek |
> 189|Karaoke tekrar �al�nma s�ras�nda kayd�r�ld�. Bu de�i�ikli�i kaydetmek ister misiniz? |
> 190|Karaoke ayarland�. �ark�y� tekrar �al���n�zda postalanacak |
> 191|%2 s�resi %3 olan �ark�da %1 tane zaman izi tespit edildi /nE�er zaman, oynat�c�n�zda g�rd���n�zle uyu�muyorsa, a��klamalar� okuyun ve karaokenizi tekrar kaydetin/nKaraoke �imdi kaydedilsin mi? //like detected 22 timestamps in song Britney Spears - Lucky within 3:40 |
> 192|Karaoke kaydedildi. �ark�y� tekrar �al�n, e�er karaoke do�ru �ekilde kaydedildiyse server'�m�za postalanacakt�r. |
> 193|Hen�z indirildi //Meaning lyrics were downloaded "in this moment" |
> 194|indiriliyor ... |
> 195|S�zler bulunamad� |
> 196|S�z yok. Getirebilmek i�in �evrimi�i olunuz |
> 197|Filtre kullan�lmad� |
> 198|�u anahtar kelimeler kullan�l�yor //lowercase .. meaning "using keyword keyword" ... like "using keyword songtexten" |
> 199|s�rada %1 �ark� bekliyor //during mass downloading |
> 200|S�zleriniz EvilLyrics klas�r� alt�nda "lyrics.txt" dosyas� olarak kaydedildi. �imdi notdefteriyle a��ls�n m�? |
> 201|S�z bulunamad�, ilgili sayfalar g�r�nt�leniyor |
> 202|karaoke hen�z G�NDER�LMED� - b�rak�n, bitene kadar �als�n |
> 203|karaoke %1 taraf�ndan olu�turuldu //karaoke by JohnDoe |
> 204|S�zler yanl�� m�? 's�radaki' tu�unu kullanarak di�er sonu�lar� deneyin ... |
> 205|Bu �ark� i�in karaoke mevcut! |
> 206|Karaokeyi getirmek i�in "dudak" simgesine t�klay�n |
> 207|G�nderilme �zellikleri do�ru doldurulmad� //displayed while posting lyrics to a webpage (error) |
> 208|g�nderiliyor ... //displayed while posting lyrics to a webpage |
> 209|d�zeltiliyor ... //displayed while parsing (cleaning) downloaded lyrics |
> 210|�ark�n�z�n s�zleri bulunamad�. s�z araman�z� geli�tirmek i�in ipu�lar�n� okuyun |
> 211|Ar�ivden - indirilme tarihi %1 //followed by date and time |
> 212|[%1] kaydediliyor: %2 [%3 pozisyon kaydeildi] //like [00:58] saving: Lucky [8 positions saved] ... ie %1=time, %2=song name, %3=number of timestamps saved |
> 213|Bitti //or Finished or whatever ... something has finished |
> 214|Bulunamad� |
> 215|Siteyi se�in ve Enter'e bas�n //on submit lyrics dialog ... bellow it is the list of sites |
> 216|Silmek i�in karaoke yok |
> 217|postalanacak bir�ey yok ya da zaten postalanm�� // can rephrase like "karaoke doesn't exist or it was already submitted" |
> 218|Sanat�� ismi anla��lamad�, ID3 etiketinizi d�zeltin //while searching for poster .. we need to get artist name ... if mp3 is not tagged properly we can't get it |
> 219|�ark�n�n s�zlerinden birka� kelime girin (bo�luklarla ay�rarak) //fulltext song search |
> 220|�u anda �alan �ark� i�in zaman izleriniz uyumlu olmal�:/n%1/nmp3 uzunlu�unun yakla��k olarak bu kadar oldu�unu kontrol edin: %2 // like you importing timestamp file for britney spears, check if length is approximately 3:22 |