Translation: Albanian
Status: activeOriginal author: Ermal TurkeshiCorrection author:anonymous
Some characters might appear incorrectly here, but they can still show correctly in EvilLyrics when using LNG file. Please test it first before you start making correction.
EvilLyrics Localization Template
version for build 134 - 14/09/2004
check for latest version and recent changes at http://www.evillabs.sk/evillyrics/localize.php
ONLY TRANSLATE TEXT BETWEEN number AND //. Text after // is just remark, there's no need to translate that
when you're done, compile your file with ELtrans.exe, put created lng file into your EL directory and try to load it
If it loads successfully, check if the text isn't overlapped somewhere
Feel free to rephrase some texts if they sound more understandable in your language

/n is new line delimiter
%1 and %2 are parameters ... they will get replaced in the text

First line is a charset number .. replace XXX by your number and test it
charsetWestEurope = 0
charsetDefault = 1
charsetSymbol = 2
charsetJapanese = 128
charsetKorean = 129
charsetChineseS = 134
charsetChienseT = 136
charsetGreek = 161
charsetTurkish = 162
charsetHebrew = 177
charsetArabic = 178
charsetBaltic = 186
charsetCyrillic = 204
charsetEastEurope = 238
charsetDosBox = 255

--- localization file start

0|E pergjithshme //General
1|Cache //Cache
2|Karaoke //Karaoke
3|Te avancuara //Advanced
4|Rreth... //About
6|Paraqitja //Apperance-frame
7|Gjithmone ne krye //Always on top
8|Vendose ne tray //Tray mode
9|Zvogelo ne mbyllje //Minimize on close
10|Zgjidh shkrimin //Select lyrics font
11|Sfondi //Background - label
12|Parametrat e kerkimit //Search settings - frame name
13|Fjala kyce "Lyrics" //"Lyrics" keyword - label
14|Fjalet kyce te perdorura per te pyetur motoret e kerkimit/nIn case you listen mostly to non-english songs/npick or type keyword in your language // "lyrics keyword label tooltip description - Keyword used to query search engines/nIn case you listen mostly to non-english songs/npick or type keyword in your language
15|Paraqite ne dritaren kryesore//Show keyword selector in main window - checkbox
127|Lejo sitet qe nuk njihen //Allow unknown sites
16|Parsing titullin e kenges //Song title parsing - frame name
17|Mos filtro numra //1st filtering option Don 't filter numbers
18|Filtro numrat e vetem //2nd filtering option Filter stand-alone numbers i.e. numbers surrounded by spaces ... ie which are not part of the word like in U2
19|Filtro te gjitha numrat//3nd filtering option - Filter all numbers
5|Injoro tekstin ne kllapa //Ignore bracketed text - checkbox
20|Fjalet e perjashtuara //Excluded keywords - label
21|Parametrat e cache-it //Cache settings - frame name
22|Pastro cache-in //Clear cache
23|Organizimi i cache-it //Cache organization
24|Nga shkronja e pare //By first letter
25|Direktori teke //Single directory
26|Pozicioni i cache-it//Cache path
27|Ri-kerko liriken e gabuar pas nje jave //Re-check wrong lyrics after a week
28|Ruaj automatikisht nen emrin origjinal te kenges pas ndryshimit//Automatically save under original song name after change
29|Proksi //Proxy - frame label
30|Perdor proksi //Use proxy
31|Server //Server
32|Porta //Port
33|Perdoruesi //Username
34|Fjalekalimi //Password
35|Postimi karaokes //Karaoke posting - frame name
36|Qe te kontribuoni nen emrin tuaj, ju lutemi te regjistroheni ne sitin tone. Regjistrimi eshte FALAS//To contribute under your name please register on our website. Registration is FREE.
37|Pastaj fusni emrin e hyrjes dhe fjalekalimin ketu: //Then enter your login name and password here:
38|Hyrja //Login
39|Fjalekalimi //Password
40|Regjistrohu //Register - button which takes you to registration page
41|Azhornimi i indeksit te karaokes //Karaoke index update - frame name
42|Azhorno indeksin e karaokes //Update karaoke index now!... ie. button text
43|Njoftime te karaokes //Karaoke pop-up alerts
44|Postimi i lirikave //Lyrics posting
128|Ne url // (save lyrics) to url
129|Ne skedar // (save lyrics) to file
45|Mos e ruaj //Don't save - 3 file saving options
46|Ruaj automatikisht //Save automatically
47|Ne shtypje te butonit //On button press
48|Parametra te tjere //Other settings - frame name
49|Nise me Winamp-in //Start with Winamp
50|Funksionon vetem nese zgjodhet "Winamp start-up plugin" gjate instalimit te EvilLyrics/nTo remove start-up plugin plotesisht shko tek Seksioni General i Winamp-it//!!!! Don't translate text "Winamp start-up plugin" ... Only works if you selected "Winamp start-up plugin" during EvilLyrics installation/nTo remove start-up plugin completely go to Winamp's General plugins section - message that pops up when you click a little "?"
51|Statistika anonime //Anonymous statistics
52|Vendosur ne parametrat standarde //Set to default settings (resets EL settings to default)
53|Azhornime //Updates - frame name
54|Kerko per te ri //Check new (checks for new version of EL)
55|OK //OK - bottom buttons
56|Nderprite //Cancel - bottom buttons
57|Apliko //Apply - bottom buttons
58|Preferenca //Preferences - window name
59|Duke azhornuar ... //updating ... displayed on the button while updating karaoke index
60|Perkthyes: //"Translators: " text .. not used anywhere yet ... the names of translators will be hard coded ... so please send the name or nick you would like to appear here along with translated language file
61|Zgjidh nje direktori //on folder picking dilaog
62|Doni te fshini te dhenat e cache-it te lirikave qe ndodhen ne "%1" ?/ndo te duhet disa kohe ne varesi te madhesise/n(nuk do te preke skedaret e karaokes)
63|Ju ndryshuat stilin e organizimit te cache-it. Doni te rindertoni cache-in tani? (Mund te duhet disa kohe ne varesi te madhesise se cache-it)
64|Fusni URL-ne ku doni te postoni. Perdorni %L for lirikat, %S for titullin e kenges./nPer shembull http://www.myblog.com/postlyrics.php?song=%S&lyrics=%L
65|Indeksi i karaokes eshte %1 dite i vjeter/nSkedare ne indeks: %2
66|Ju nuk keni akoma indeks karaoke. Azhornojeni //You don't have karaoke index yet. Update it - text that shows on karaoke status label when you have no karaoke index ... shouldn't happen though
67|Ju mund ta distribuoni kete program. Duke qene se ky program eshte falas, autori nuk mund dhe nuk do te mbaje asnje pergjegjesi per sjelljen e ketij programi. Nuk ka garanci te asnje lloji te shprehura ose te perfshira ne kete produkt.
68|Falenderohen: //"Thanks to" text
69|... dhe te gjithe te tjeret qe ndihmuan me sugjerimet e vlefshme dhe me mbeshtetjen e tyre//... and all the rest of you who helped with valuable suggestions and support.
70|EvilLyrics eshte nje program falas, nese deshironi te vleresoni punen tone ju mund te dhuroni ne faqen Donation te sitit tone. //EvilLyrics is free software, if you would like to appreciate our work you may donate in Donation page of our website.
71|Azhorni i fundit i filtrit: //Last filter update:
//Main application window related
72|Provo rezultatin tjeter
73|Ringarko liriken
74|Ndalo shkarkimin
75|Modifiko liriken
76|Stampo liriken
77|Hape faqen origjinale me liriken ne browser
78|Liriken per komplet albumin
79|Kerkim per tekstin e plote te lirikes ne internet
80|Te gjitha kenget nga ky artist
81|Post current lyrics to a webpage
82|Futu ne modalitetin e regjistrimit te karaokes
83|Kerko per skedare Karaoke
84|Trego karaoke bar
//Toolbar submenus
85|Kerkimi ne Google per kete kenge
87|Perkthe liriken
88|Kerkim teksti te plote
89|Profili albumit //album profile search ... like profile on Amazon
90|Kerkimi i kordave
91|Kapaku albumit //album cover serach
92|Lirikat e te gjithe albumit ...
93|Postera ...
94|Profili Allmusic Guide
95|Shto lirika //submit lyrics to selected lyrics page
96|Faqja kryesore e EvilLyrics
97|Sinjalizo nje problem //ie application bug
98|Kerkime shtese //keep case
99|Kerkimi ne internet me tekst te plote
100|kerkimi ne cache me tekst te plote
101|Fetch karaoke
102|Fshije karaoken
103|Shtoje karaoken
104|Instruksione mbi krijimin e karaokes
105|Informacion mbi Karaoke
106|Gjendja e lidhjes //ie internet connection online/offline
//Popup Menus
//Main popup menu .. keep texts short here so menu doesn't get wide
107|Shpjego "%1" ...
108|Fshiji keto lirika //erases lyrics to current song
109|Info mbi cache-in
110|Menyra kompakte
111|Menyra e modifikimit
112|Trego karaoke bar
113|Zhvendosja e karaokes //function for turning scrolling on/off
116|Kerkime shtese
//Statusbar menu
118|Raporto filtrin qe nuk funskionon
119|Perse nuk mund te gjej asgje?
120|Votimi i cilesise se karaokes //ie voting for karaoke files .. feel free to rephrase ... like voting for karaoek files ... and good/bad file
121|Kjo karaoke eshte E MIRE
122|Kjo karaoke eshte E KEQE
124|Kopjo URL-ne e lirikes ne clipboard
//Karaoke statusbar icon menu
125|Mer direkt ate qe i afrohet me teper
126|Shko tek lista e karaokeve (browser)
//Cacheinfo box
131|Pozicioni //Path to the song on your hard drive
132|Shkarkuar me //followed by date
133|Shkarkuar nga //followed by url
134|Modifikuar manualisht
137|Numri i rrjeshtave // number of lines in lyrics file
138|Kjo karaoke u shkarkua me //followed by date
139|ju (ndoshta skedar i pashtuar) //informing that karaoke file has no name in it, so it was probably created by you and haven't been sent yet
140|Autori i karaokes //karaoke author name
141|Numri i kohestampave
142|po injorojme rrjeshtat boshe//meaning that number of timestamps doesn't take into account timestamps for empty lines .. can be used "without empty lines"
143|akoma nuk eshte shkarkuar
145|Gabim gjate marrjes se te dhenave//error while getting info for info window ... can translate just like "error"
146|Doni te kopjoni kete informacion ne CLIPBOARD?
147|Info mbi kete kenge // name of the info window .. keep case .. it's displayed like EvilLyrics - current info name
148|fetching explanation ... //displayed while explanation is downloaded from dictionary
149|Nuk u gjet ne fjalor
150|Azhornimi u krye me sukses //Karaoke index update
151|Gabim gjate azhornimit
152|Votim i dyfishte //karaoke voting messages ... can be "You already voted"
153|Faleminderit per voten
154|Gabim siti, ju lutemi provoni me vone
155|Ju lutem jepni nje arsye te shkurter pse mendoni qe filtri nuk funksionoi (nuk ktheu tekst, artist/info titulli ne lirike etc.) ose thjesht futeni pa asnje arsye
156|Filtri deshtoi //the name of the dialog
157|Kombinimi hyrja/fjalekalim i gabuar
158|U raportua, ju faleminderit
159|You have to be registered in karaoke section to report
160|No matching karaoke available. Double-click the icon to open karaoke list.
161|online //lowercase
162|offline //lowercase
163|Deshiron te punosh offline?
164|E panjohur //as Lyrics source: unknown ... when we don't know which url lyrics came from
165|Qe te riaktivizoni butonat e fshehur kliko "Reset" ne dialogun tjeter/nGjithashtu mund te vendosni toolbarin qe te pershtatet ne dialogun e Preferencave
166|Karaoke u rregullua me %1 sekonda //followed by number of seconds
167|Duke kerkuar per "%1" (shtyp butonin Edit qe te modifikosh lirikat) //displayed in statusbar while using type-ahead ...
168|Nuk mundem te gjenim "%1". Shtyp ESC te rifillosh
169|Rishkruani kerkimin tuaj // displays after you pressed esc ... you are actually being asked to type your query again
170|Ju jeni ne menyren e ruajtjes se karaokes. Nisni kengen, sinkronizoni kohen ketu dhe ne player-in tuaj. Levizeni poshte rrjesht per rrjesht duke perdorur shigjeten POSHTE, fshini kohestampat e meparshme duke perdorur shigjeten LART. Lere kengen te degjohet derisa te mbaroje, do ju kerkohet te ruani karaoken. Pastaj ridegjojeni kengen dhe karaoke do te postohet ne serverin tone. Klikoni ketu per te ditur me teper.
171|Duke kerkuar per filtra te rinj...
172|Fetching new filters ...
173|Nje version i ri i EvilLyrics ka dale. Doni te shkoni tek www.evillabs.sk qe te merrni versionin e ri?
174|Nisni player-in tuaj ose shkruaj emrin e artistit dhe titullin ne kutine me siper.
175|Indeksi i karaokes eshte %1 dite i vjeter. Azhornoje tek preferencat
176|duke njohur //displayed as tooltip over player icon ... saying like "detecting Winamp"
177|Menyre manuale - asnje player i njohur nuk u gjet
178|Ekziston karaoke per kete kenge - Kliko qe ta marresh!
179|Nuk ka karaoke per kete kenge
180|Fut fjalet per te cilat do kerkosh ( te ndara nga hapesira)
181|Kliko dy here qe te kerkosh per liriken
182|po paraqesim 50 rezultatet e para
183|Asnje kenge nuk u gjet, provo fjale kyce te tjera
184|ID3 tag te gabuar, nuk u postua
185|Ju nuk ju eshte lejuar te postoni akoma karaoke manualisht. Ridegjojeni dhe do te postohet automatikisht.
186|E pamundur te postojme karaoken, perpiquni ta degjoni perseri.
187|Karaokja qe ju krijuat nuk ploteson kriteret tuaja. Provoni te krijoni nje te re
188|Ju nderruat titullin manualisht./nDoni te ruani keto lirika nen emrin origjinal (%1)?/nIf you do so, next time you play the song, these lyrics will be displayed
189|Karaokja u spostua gjate degjimit. Do te deshironit te ruanit ndryshimet?
190|Karaokja u rregullua. Do te postohet heren tjeter kur ju do ta degjoni perseri.
191|U njohen %1 kohestampa ine kenge %2 brenda %3 minutave/nNese kohe nuk perkon me ate qe eshte tek player-i juaj, lexo instruksionet dhe regjistro karaoken tende perseri/nDo ta ruani karaoken e regjistruar tani? //like detected 22 timestamps in song Britney Spears - Lucky within 3:40
192|Skedari i karaokes u ruajt. Perserite kengen, nese karaoke eshte ruajtur sakte do te postohet ne server.
193|Sapo u shkarkua //Meaning lyrics were downloaded "in this moment"
194|duke shkarkuar ...
195|Lirika nuk u gjet
196|Asnje lirike. Futu online qe ti maresh.
197|Asnje filter nuk eshte perdorur
198|duke perdorur fjalen kyce //lowercase .. meaning "using keyword keyword" ... like "using keyword songtexten"
199|%1 kenge duke pritur ne rradhe //during mass downloading
200|Your lyrics were saved in the file "lyrics.txt" in your EvilLyrics directory. Would you like to open then in Notepad now?
201|Asnje lirike nuk u gjet ne database, po paraqesim faqen e lidhur
202|Kjo karaoke nuk eshte ngarkuar akoma - lere te luaje deri ne fund
203|karaoke nga %1 //karaoke by JohnDoe
204|Lirike e gabuar? Provo alternativen tjeter duke shtypur butonin 'Next'...
205|Karaoke per kete kenge eshte e disponueshme!
206|Shtypni ikonen e "gojes" qe te merrni karaoken
207|Duke postuar opsionet e paplotesuara mire//displayed while posting lyrics to a webpage (error)
208|Duke postuar ... //displayed while posting lyrics to a webpage
209|parsing ... //displayed while parsing (cleaning) downloaded lyrics
210|Lirikat per kengen tende nuk mund te gjehen. Lexo disa ndihma qe te permiresoni kerkimin per lirika
211|Nga cache-i - shkarkuar me %1 //followed by date and time
212|[%1] duke ruajtur: %2 [%3 pozicione te ruajtura] //like [00:58] saving: Lucky [8 positions saved] ... ie %1=time, %2=song name, %3=number of timestamps saved
213|Mbaroi //or Finished or whatever ... something has finished
214|Nuk u gjet
215|Zgjidh sitin dhe shtyp Enter //on submit lyrics dialog ... bellow it is the list of sites
216|Asnje karaoke per tu fshire
217|Asgje per te postuar ose tashme e postuar// can rephrase like "karaoke doesn't exist or it was already submitted"
218|Nuk mundem te zgjidhnim emrin e artistit, rregullo ID3 tag//while searching for poster .. we need to get artist name ... if mp3 is not tagged properly we can't get it
219|Fut dy fjale nga lirika e kenges (te ndara nga hapesira) //fulltext song search
220|Ti po importon skedarin e kohestampes per kengen :/n%1/nShiko nese gjatesia e mp3-shit tuaj eshte rreth %2 minuta// like you importing timestamp file for britney spears, check if length is approximately 3:22
//batch downloading related
221|Voto per karaoken duke klikuar ketu
222|Liste skedaresh e panjohur
223|Listat me me shume se %1 kenge nuk jane te pranuara
224|EvilLyrics tani do te perpiqet te shkarkoje/nlyrikat e %1 kengeve//like EvilLyrics will now try to download lyrics to 15 songs ... displayed when you drop a playlist into evillyrics window
225|Kohestampat jane ruajtur. Ndiq instruksionet//after you press karaoke recording button // displayed in statusbar when you press karaoke recording button
226|Qe te nisni te beni nje kohestampe shtypni STOP dhe me pas PLAY ne player-in tuaj./nKoha ne player dhe ne EvilLyrics duhet te jete e sinkronizuar! //displayed in popup window when karaoke recording button pressed
227|Asnje lirike nuk eshte ngarkuar /// in karaoke recording mode when there are no lyrics
228|Ruajtja e karaokes eshte e fikur// araoke mode turned off using teh button
229|Faqa e informacionin nuk eshte e disponueshme//when you try to open original page in your browser (using globe icon) but original location information is not available so it cannot be opened
230|Nuk mundem te gjenim kenge nga ky artist
231|Ruaj liriken //displayed as tooltip on Save button in toolbar when it's pressed
232|Edit mode - click Save icon to resume lyrics fetching
233|Shume i madh - po e anashkalojme ... // when too large file is being downloaded ... over 100kb ... we know it's nt lyrics because lyrics pages don't use to be that big so we just cancel downloading
234|duke shkarkuar nga %1 (%2 bytes) //in statusbar ... like: downloading from lyrics.com (3000 bytes)
235|Duke u ridrejtuar (#%1) ... //nth redirection while downloading ... like Redirecting (#2) ...
236|Nuk ka karaoke per kete kenge
237|Karaoke bar - kliko mbi tekstin poshte qe te fshehesh titullin e dritares//displayed on top of the karaoke bar when it is in "border" mode
238|Raporto fltrin e gabuar "%1"//like: Report incorrect "lyrics.com" filter
239|Lirikat nga //followed by site name
240|Duka shkarkuar nga %1 ... //like: downloading from lyrics.com ...
241|Duke u lidhur tek %1 ...
242|[%1] filter i perdorur //like: [sing365] filter used
243|meso me shume //clickable popup link
245|Pershtat toolbar-in
247|Login/password OK. You can now post karaoke under your name. //for testing karaoke credentials
248|Test //for testing karaoke credentials
249|Encoding //for changing text encoding (right click menu - encoding names will stay in english ... for now)
250|Chords not found
251|Searching ...
252|Opening %1 in your browser ... //Like "Opening www.evillabs.sk in your browser ...
253|Stopped //after hitting stop button
254|fetching song names ...
246|Karaoke file length does not match song length. Not posting to server ...

255|Adjust karaoke scrolling
256|Export to LRC
257|Store created karaoke in LRC format
258|Get translations
259|Update //As description of a button to force update
260|Application //Application file update date
261|MilkDrop support
262|Karaoke was created for different lyrics than yours. Would you like to reload them from original location?
263|You must be running Winamp with Milkdrop
264|Lyrics are locked. Unlock to enable writing ...
265|Lock/unlock lyrics
266|Auto-detect charset
267|Submit lyrics clean-up suggestion
268|Lyrics not cleaned? Click status bar to submit filter suggestion.
269|Lyrics don't meet posting criteria
270|Not registered or wrong login/password combination. Register here
271|Post to myLyrics
272|Open myLyrics
273|Changes saved
274|Do you want to change your login/password to %1/%2 ? //i.e. do you want to change change your login/password to John/secret ?
275|Other options
276|Show with player //tells whether to bring EL window to front when you focus your media player
277|List unsubmitted karaoke files
278|Karaoke bar when available
279|Add Lyrics tags in iTunes
280|Remember my action and don't show again
281|Automatic karaoke download
:: EvilLyrics

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