
Karaoke for Pantera - 10s

Pantera - 10s (04:49)
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other by the same artist (click icon to import directly)
Pantera - 10s (04:49)
Pantera - 25 Years (06:05)
Pantera - 5 Minutes Alone (05:47)
Pantera - Becoming (03:05)
Pantera - Becoming (03:05)
Pantera - Cat Scratch Fever (03:43)
Pantera - CEMENTERY GATES (07:03)
Pantera - Cemetary gate (07:04)
Pantera - Cemetary Gates (07:02)
Pantera - Cemetary gates (07:01)
Pantera - Cemetary gates (07:03)
Pantera - Cemetery Gates (07:02)
Pantera - Cemetery Gates (07:02)
Pantera - Cemetery Gates (07:03)
Pantera - Cowboys From Hell (04:07)
Pantera - Cowboys From Hell (04:07)
Pantera - Cowboys From Hell (04:03)
Pantera - cowboys from hell (04:07)
Pantera - Drag The Waters (04:55)
Pantera - Five Minutes Alone (05:47)
Pantera - Floods (06:59)
Pantera - Fucking Hostile (02:48)
Pantera - Fucking Hostile (02:48)
Pantera - Goddamn Electric (04:56)
Pantera - good friends and a bottle of pills (02:48)
Pantera - Hard Lines Sunken Cheeks (07:01)
Pantera - Hell Bound (02:40)
Pantera - Heresy (04:46)
pantera - Hollow (05:46)
Pantera - Im Broken (04:19)
Pantera - Im Broken (04:24)
Pantera - Immortally Insane (05:12)
Pantera - Message in blood (05:08)
Pantera - Minutes Alone (05:47)
Pantera - Mouth For War (03:56)
Pantera - Planet Caravan (04:03)
Pantera - Primal Concrete Sledge (02:13)
Pantera - Psycho Holiday (05:18)
Pantera - Revolution Is my Name (05:16)
Pantera - Revolution Is My Name (05:16)
Pantera - Revolution Is My Name (05:17)
Pantera - Shedding Skin (05:36)
Pantera - Slaughtered (03:56)
Pantera - Strength Beyond Strength (03:38)
Pantera - Suicide Note Pt. I (04:44)
Pantera - The Great Southern Trendkill (03:47)
Pantera - This Love (06:30)
Pantera - Throes Of Rejection (05:01)
Pantera - Use My Third Arm (04:51)
Pantera - Use My Third Arm (04:51)
Pantera - Walk (05:15)
Pantera - Walk (05:16)
Pantera - Yesterday Dont Mean Shit (04:19)

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