
Karaoke for Blondie - Rapture

Blondie - Rapture (05:35)
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Blondie - Dreaming (03:06)
Blondie - Dreaming (03:07)
Blondie - Dreaming (03:05)
Blondie - Hanging On The Telephone (02:22)
Blondie - Hanging on the Telephone (02:32)
Blondie - Heart of Glass (04:33)
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Blondie - Im Gonna Love You Too (02:07)
Blondie - In Love With Love (04:24)
Blondie - Maria (04:43)
Blondie - Maria (04:51)
Blondie - Maria (04:08)
Blondie - Maria (04:07)
Blondie - One Way or Another (03:36)
Blondie - One way or another (03:32)
Blondie - One Way or Another (03:36)
Blondie - One Way or Another (03:35)
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Blondie - Rapture (05:30)
Blondie - Rapture (05:44)
Blondie - Rapture (05:35)
Blondie - Rapture (05:37)
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Blondie - The Hardest Part (03:40)
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Blondie - The Tide Is High (04:44)
Blondie - Tide Is High (04:46)
Blondie - Tide Is High (04:42)
Blondie - Union City Blue (03:21)
Blondie - Untitled (02:15)

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