
Karaoke for Godsmack - Touche

Godsmack - Touche (03:31)
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other by the same artist (click icon to import directly)
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Godsmack - Bad Religion (03:40)
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Godsmack - Bleeding Me (03:36)
Godsmack - Bleeding Me (03:37)
Godsmack - Changes (04:15)
Godsmack - Changes (04:21)
Godsmack - Dead And Broken (04:11)
Godsmack - Forgive Me (04:19)
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Godsmack - Hollow (04:31)
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Godsmack - I Am (04:00)
Godsmack - I Am (03:59)
Godsmack - I Am (03:59)
Godsmack - I Fucking Hate You (04:08)
Godsmack - I Fucking Hate You (04:07)
Godsmack - I Stand Alone (04:06)
Godsmack - I Stand Alone (04:06)
Godsmack - I Stand Alone (04:06)
Godsmack - I Stand Alone (04:06)
Godsmack - Keep Away (04:50)
Godsmack - Keep Away (04:50)
Godsmack - Keep Away (04:49)
Godsmack - Livin In Sin (04:40)
Godsmack - Livin In Sin (04:39)
Godsmack - Love Hate Sex Pain (05:15)
Godsmack - Make Me Believe (04:09)
Godsmack - Moon Baby (04:23)
Godsmack - Moon Baby (04:21)
Godsmack - Moon Baby (04:24)
Godsmack - MoonBaby (04:23)
Godsmack - No Rest For The Wicked (04:36)
Godsmack - Re Align (04:21)
Godsmack - Releasing The Demons (04:03)
Godsmack - Running Blind (03:59)
Godsmack - Running Blind (03:50)
Godsmack - Serenity (04:35)
Godsmack - Serenity (04:34)
Godsmack - Sick Of Life (03:52)
Godsmack - Sick Of Life (03:52)
Godsmack - Snake Bite (04:37)
Godsmack - Straight Out of Line (04:19)
Godsmack - Straight Out Of Line (03:56)
Godsmack - Straight Out Of Line (04:18)
Godsmack - Straight Out Of Line (04:20)
Godsmack - The Enemy (04:08)
Godsmack - Time Bomb (04:00)
Godsmack - Touche (03:31)
Godsmack - Vampires (03:47)
Godsmack - Voodoo (04:38)
Godsmack - Voodoo (04:37)
Godsmack - Voodoo Too (05:21)
Godsmack - Whatever (03:25)

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