
Karaoke for Ataris - the radio still sucks

Ataris - the radio still sucks (00:27)
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other by the same artist (click icon to import directly)
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The Ataris - Boys Of Summer (04:17)
Ataris - Boys Of Summer (04:18)
The Ataris - Boys Of Summer (04:19)
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The Ataris - Eight of Nine (03:56)
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The Ataris - In this diary (03:52)
The Ataris - In This Diary (03:51)
Ataris - looking back on today (03:55)
The Ataris - Looking Back on Today (03:54)
The Ataris - Losing Streak (01:52)
Ataris - Make It Last (01:40)
The Ataris - My Reply (04:15)
The Ataris - My Reply (04:13)
The Ataris - On With the Show (03:32)
the ataris - Pure Imagination (02:43)
The Ataris - Saddest Song (04:11)
The Ataris - San Dimas (02:47)
The Ataris - San Dimas High School Football (02:44)
The Ataris - San Dimas High School Football (02:45)
The Ataris - San Dimas High School Football Rules (02:45)
Ataris - So Long Astoria (03:23)
The Ataris - So Long Astoria (03:23)
The Ataris - Summer 79 (03:59)
The Ataris - Summer 79 (04:00)
The Ataris - Summer Wind Was Always Our Song (03:56)
The Ataris - Take Me Back (01:50)
The Ataris - Takeoffs and Landings (03:56)
Ataris - takeoffs and landings (03:55)
Ataris - That Special Girl (01:53)
The Ataris - The Boys of Summer (03:57)
Ataris - The Boys Of Summer (04:18)
The Ataris - The Hero Dies in this One (04:07)
Ataris - the radio still sucks (00:27)
The Ataris - The Saddest Song (04:15)
The Ataris - Unopened Letter to the World (02:40)

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