EvilLyrics : Lyrics : How do I start downloading lyrics? back to FAQ
Question:How do I start downloading lyrics?
Answer:You can search for lyrics either in automatic or manual mode.
Automatic mode is on when you are running one of the supported media players. All you have to do is to start your media player and play a song. If it is properly tagged, EvilLyrics fetches song information from player window title and searches for corresponding lyrics.
Manual mode works without media player. You just type song information into song info line and EvilLyrics starts to search for lyrics.
If it finds lyrics they are displayed in the lyrics pane. If text returned is not lyrics or it is improperly formatted you can use Next button to make EvilLyrics search again. Here you can read more on functioning of Next button.
If you are unsatisfied with any of the returned lyrics you can edit them yourself using edit mode
Displayed lyrics are saved in the lyrics cache on your computer so next time song is played they are displayed instantly without downloading
last updated 27.11.2003
actual time on server is 19:49
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